Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Go within

Saw this today on Facebook. I kept hearing a scripture or part of a scripture and I wasn't sure where it was. But Luke 17: 21 says, Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.  Some versions say in the midst. Which means the same thing. Center, heart. It really isn't out there!! So stop looking for the kingdom of God in this world. In the sense that we are not of this world. We will find it as we let go of Ego's rants. Go within. And shed your fleshly approach. This flesh along with the Ego are doomed to this world. Doomed in the sense that it will not be traveling with our spirit when we pass on.  But our spirit, which is one with our creator always, lives forever. I can see that God is leading me within. That what I desire in life is within me. You know I used to tell my children and friends, you have everything you need, just look within. But  I still looked without. Without for my validation, without for my approval, without for my worth.

Now, if we are spirit having a physical experience and I think we all agree on that one. Then why do we look outside ourselves for direction? I mean we are travelers. What traveler goes on a trip and does not pack. And if our Divine Creator sent us here to learn, then he/she has sent us here with what we need to do so. We are equip to do this job of navigating on earth, which is not our home. We navigate with our spirit. We  But, to learn what? We are here to learn to differentiate Ego and Spirit. That is one thing we are here to do. We are Spirit. Like I have said before, about the book of Genesis. We are made in our Creators image and likeness. And so we have traveled here, but to really hear what we need to hear we must GO WITHIN. I mean really if the kingdom of God is within as the scripture says, then the answers are within. So why do we continually look outside ourselves for approval, direction, validation, and love? What are we doing?
It is that we forget who we really are. We are under the influence of the illusion that has been passed onto us from our teachers, parents, grandparents, etc.... You see what I mean. What illusions is that? That this is our home. It is not our home. It is our classroom. 

The point of what I am trying to say is, that we need to shift our attention. We need to look to our source, that is within us all. No one has more than the other. Just like no one has more muscle than another, it's just what they do with it. We can all learn to go within. We can learn to get quiet, and really listen. We can learn the voice of the Ego, devil. We can learn the voice of our creator within. Now I can hear you saying, what is she talking about? I can hear the Ego's rants. That woman is stupid, she doesn't know what she's talking about. I mean to believe in a devil shows that we are still looking outside ourselves for the answer. Our Ego is an onboard system, that is part of this world, and will pass away with our physical body. So why are we allowing ourselves to be completely directed by a part of ourselves that is limited in it's perception, and understanding?

Lord, I ask that you help my friends here to start to pay attention to the mind chatter inside there head. I ask that you help them to stop listening to the voice that says they are ugly, we are spirit, so to call our physical body ugly is a waste of our time here. And to identify with our body is to think that our body is who we are. I ask that we instead learn to nurture our bodies, for they house our spirit. Help them to open their eyes and see the truth of this and start to live by returning to our Creator. To return to our Creator is to look within, and take the time to listen to the voice of spirit. Help each person here find what they look for. Help them to tune into what their creator has to say and look within. In Jesus Name Amen. 

Now, spend some time going within...Just be willing to connect with your own spirit. 

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