Friday, February 28, 2014

I need a shot of Happy

Here's a video I made for you...Sometimes we get in a rut and we need a good happy jolt to get us out of it...Please consider this that time and take your medicine...We are not here to be sad. Our power is in the Moment. Not in the past or the future. If you get to far in to those, well, you've enter the theatre. Reality is right here, and then right here, and then right here. Do you see what I'm saying? 

anyway, take time to just sit and be in the moment. How do you feel without your past and without your future? Well, it feels pretty good, and that is what we are supposed to feel...xo

The artist in this song is Pharrell Williams, great song to raise your vibration, ( make you feel better)...Good vibes

Have a Great day!


Beliefs are thoughts we hold onto...

Beliefs are thoughts that we hold onto...A lot of beliefs are nothing more than the lies we tell ourselves. Check your beliefs. What thought about someone has formed a belief you are holding old memory from years ago or minutes ago. Before you chuck someone in the circular file of beliefs, check that thought again, and really look and see if it's the truth..    
Thoughts are subjective: (based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.) 

Each of us has different life experiences, so each of us has different views. 
Do you see where I'm going with this?

Beliefs are a thought, usually a conclusion, or judgement. And it becomes truth for many of us..She always does that, or that always happens..Are you tired of this showing up each time? Well, stop saying it will. You are the chooser of the thoughts you believe...

Have a great day


Monday, February 17, 2014

One Simple Energy Technique You Can Use to Improve Your Relationships Today

Hello Everyone, haven't posted in a month of sundays...So, I watched this today and found it so helpful.

So, I wanted to pass it on to you too. This sounds kind of crazy to some people, but I have found Carol Tuttle's approach so helpful and healing. She cuts to the chase, no gobble D gook. She has a lot more video, so if this is helpful, go to and check her out. Carol Tuttle...

I am going to do this in a few areas of my life. I will get back to you on how it goes.. Retraining yourself is work, but will pay off if you do it...

Lord, bless my dear friends here. I ask that you will answer all of their questions. Help them to ask of you. In Jesus Name Amen