I used to be a born again, spirit filled, bible reading christian, who would have nothing to do with Oracle cards, or Psychic abilities, Readings, Chakra's....the list goes on. But now I am that (born again, spirit filled, bible knowing, spirit lead, person. The further I go, the more it makes sense. I feel closer to God, Spirit, now than I ever did. I am no longer worried about the fire of God breathing down on me. I mean really. I stay in touch with the Divine now more than I ever did before. But my focus is different, and I feel a peace that I didn't feel before. I can now see that I needed to walk away from that old stagnant energy of the church that was just weighing me down.. God still deals with me, but he is taking the word to a new level. And God is dealing with me in love. I am shedding the shame, guilt, judgement, self righteousness, archaic thinking. I have entered a place where God is love. And my understanding is deeper in the sense that All God wants is our love, not our service. Because, if we love the Divine, we want to serve the Divine, but our focus is not to serve the Divine. We are focused on sowing seeds of love, so we can reap the fruit of our seeds in our lives. And as I deal with the Ego, which is the flesh man, I understand the scriptures that talk about the flesh.
As I started to travel this path, I would pic up a book, and spirit would back up what I was reading with scripture. I was scared at first. I mean, we are taught that all this is not of God. I have found more truths on this open path.
One day recently I was thinking about the flesh man, and it came to me. Why our flesh man is weak. And why the Ego gives us so much trouble. You see the Ego is not our enemy. It truly wants to help us. But the flesh man is tied to this earthly world. It is the flesh, and therefore can see no further than the nose on your face. The Ego is raw, straight up energy that is self preserving. It's job is to save us from danger, so what is it's focus? Danger. But the word says, All things in moderation. So we must have balance. We must seek to hear our spirit, first. Not our Ego driven fear based focus. We must lead our Ego to our Spirit. So that the spirit can calm our Ego. But most of us know about the flesh man, but the spirit man... Well, we know the fruits of the spirit. But really, it's all about a choice. It is about making a choice to love and follow love. If we want the life the Divine has designed for us, we must choose Love, forgiveness and follow that.
My homework for today is:
Listen to your spirit today. And be mindful of your Ego today. How?
Watch when spirit speaks, and then observe Ego try to get in there and change your mind. Like when you feel lead to help someone, and then your Ego tries to talk you out of it with, "I'm to busy,or it doesn't matter, or they won't appreciate it, or I need this money for this or that". You see what I mean?
Open yourself up to your Spirit that is trying to get you out of yourself. The Ego is the voice that is trying to keep you safe, but is a limited part of you. Spirit is infinite, endless, boundless, and all seeing.
Choose to do a spirit lead act today. Help someone, and feel the benefits immediately. And remember, that voice that say it doesn't matter, is the Ego.
But, just remember the Divine is watching. And in those pure moments of spirit lead service, you have made a difference in one life.
Thank you for visiting my blog. My hope is that you will find nourishment for your soul here...
Namaste xo
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