ul·ner·a·ble (v
a. Susceptible to physical or emotional injury.
b. Susceptible to attack: "We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army" (Alexander Hamilton).
c. Open to censure or criticism; assailable.
a. Liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation.
b. Games In a position to receive greater penalties or bonuses in a hand of bridge. In a rubber, used of the pair of players who score 100 points toward game.
Ha Ha!!! Do you see that? That is a description of everything living. I mean really. And if that is a truthful description of us, then what the hell are we doing? We dance around, playing this game that we are not, when we are. We truly are in an illusion. Why not just be real. Can we really avoid pain? No Can we avoid emotional injury? No. Now no is in the sense that we can't avoid a lot of painful thoughts about life when we identify with our Ego. And that means that we must let go of the past.
Why be vulnerable? I'll tell you why. Because to be vulnerable is to completely accept all parts of myself. And it mean that the lines that my Ego has drawn on unacceptable. It means that I no longer am looking without for validation. I have chosen to self accept and to not have a mask. No that doesn't mean I go around shouting about all my stuff. I don't have to blab it to every single person I meet. But in my relationships where a mask can block a relationship from progressing. I choose to be vulnerable. No, I choose to recognize that I am vulnerable, and to stop the dance, and the delusion.
But the word Vulnerable brings many things to mind........... The thought that you are standing naked in front of all your friends and family.
That is what we feel like when we think of being vulnerable, Buck-ass naked. But we just need a re frame. To be vulnerable is to accept that fact that you your body, you your mind, you your ego are susceptible to injury. And call it like it is. We are not invincible. We are powerful, and we could be even more powerful if we would embrace all of our nature. And part of that nature is vulnerability. Yes there are more, but for now we are just talking about one. The lack of Vulnerability is the one thing that keeps a marriage from becoming all it could be. Vulnerability is what make an intimate relationship.
We do need to do work to be truly vulnerable. WE need to accept ourselves. We need to stop comparing each other. We need to practice talking and thinking nice things about ourselves. No really, we need to do these things. I mean why are we so hard on ourselves? Why? Do you have an answer? Because no one likes a bully or a nag. And we don't either. If you want to change your world. Start loving yourself. Your relationships change when you change how you feel about yourself.
Dear Divine Spirit, I come before you today and ask for my friends that you will help them to accept themselves. Help them to see, if not to see it right now, that they are not their bodies. They are housed in a body, but that they are spirit first. Help them to love their body, so it can do better. I ask that you help us all to be vulnerable and real with each other. I ask it in Jesus Name Amen.....Thank you.
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