Monday, March 3, 2014

Doggy Muse!!!!

I want to introduce you to my muse... Maximus the Mighty. This is our baby. You know, since my husband and I both have grown children, why start over, just have a dog. And Max is just that. We call him brother Max, Uncle Max, whatever. We really have fun with it. Can you see why? Hello! Look into those eyes.
This guy has changed how I see animals and our communication with them. He lays up here in my temple with me, where all the magic happens with my creativity. So he is both lazy and active at times that I desire! What an awesome companion.. He is a Boston Terrier bred. These dogs rock... You just won't meet  a friendlier dog. Well, maybe. What I mean is, this dog is looking for friends. Like no one is an enemy. He's like hi! nice to finally meet you friend! I've been waiting for you....

Yes, I take him to Walmart.. and that is how he is..Perfect huh? People just get a kick out of seeing him in my basket. How do you like his cart comfy? It is yours truly..Thank you. Thank you.

This bred of dog can hold onto something and be held in the air. Like a rope and they will hang on forever!! I guess my dog has a lot to show me about me. I sink my teeth into something and can hold on. Good to know, just sink it into something good and hold on...I have done the opposite. Let's just say I learned to take a moment and decide what is good to sink my teeth into. And to take my teeth out of things that no longer serve me. Like holding onto the past. And giving it anymore of my energy..

Max loves clothes. He has many sweaters and is in need of some new stuff. I am thinking about making him some myself. I will post pics if that materializes.. LOL Anyway, I just wanted to intro you to my hairy companion, mascot, fun guide, friend....He sends light and love and prayers...

Have a Great Day


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Follow Your Spirit, It is the only one that get's out alive

Lately, I have just become a just drawn to these kind of video's. Videos that really show me that around the world there are caring compassionate people. I think that to keep a balance, we must remember our inherit nature is the one that does not see color or size or creed. Our Nature is one that is pure love...that is our essence.

es·sence  (ĕs′əns)
1. The intrinsic or indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify something.
2. The most important ingredient; the crucial element.
3. The inherent, unchanging nature of a thing or class of things.
a. An extract that has the fundamental properties of a substance in concentrated form.
b. Such an extract in a solution of alcohol.
c. A perfume or scent.
5. One that has or shows an abundance of a quality as if highly concentrated: a neighbor who is the essence of hospitality.
6. Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.

 That is unchangeable. Well, what that part of me that is not loving sometimes? That is your flesh self. The flesh man was never supposed to lead. The flesh man is our character in the real life play. We must learn to work with our flesh man. For our flesh man needs leading. It is made of material from this earth. It is finite. Our spirit is infinite. 

So, that means we have some learning to do. And life is kind of getting exciting, because you are embarking on a new adventure. One that you really get to know yourself and how this world really works. And with your Spirit man leading the horizon looks good. That fear is melting away. Without that coloring your view anymore, you can see the crystal clear view..without all the fearful thoughts, the second guessing...

Choose to be lead by the spirit today. Notice your fearful thoughts. Remember that they are just thoughts, and thoughts are not the truth..they are just thoughts...

Have a great Day


If you like what you get here, HIT SHARE!!!!

I just want to tell each of you that have come here and read anything that helped you, thanks for coming by. And I also, wanted to ask you to share my blog with your friends...I would like to get out to all I am her for and since this world is a big melting pot, and we all are in this together, your help would be so fantastic. And remember not act goes unnoticed. You will be repaid for all of them...

Until my next strike of Genius.....xox

Have a Great Day!!!


Elderly Woman's Act of Huge Contribution..You Gotta See!

You know, a small act. Is there any such thing as a small act? What does act mean? One of the meanings is to take action. And they other is a way of being. Well, this woman has surveyed herself, and her situation. And she has acted in a way that is her being.. What a testament to all of us. She shows us a most humble way, (humble: grounded) to act in our own beingness. Go today, survey your situation, and act in a way that is your being. xo Tinney, you are a most precious teacher..

Have a Great Day!
