Monday, October 28, 2013

Vulnerability, Why is that such a scary word?

What is the deal about vulnerability? Why are we so damn scared of being vulnerable? What are we so scared of? I mean really?

ul·ner·a·ble  (vlnr--bl)
a. Susceptible to physical or emotional injury.
b. Susceptible to attack: "We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army" (Alexander Hamilton).
c. Open to censure or criticism; assailable.
a. Liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation.
b. Games In a position to receive greater penalties or bonuses in a hand of bridge. In a rubber, used of the pair of players who score 100 points toward game.

Ha Ha!!! Do you see that? That is a description of everything living. I mean really. And if that is a truthful description of us, then what the hell are we doing? We dance around, playing this game that we are not, when we are. We truly are in an illusion. Why not just be real. Can we really avoid pain? No Can we avoid emotional injury? No. Now no is in the sense that we can't avoid a lot of painful thoughts about life when we identify with our Ego. And that means that we must let go of the past.

Why be vulnerable? I'll tell you why. Because to be vulnerable is to completely accept all parts of myself. And it mean that the lines that my Ego has drawn on unacceptable. It means that I no longer am looking without for validation. I have chosen to self accept and to not have a mask. No that doesn't mean I go around shouting about all my stuff. I don't have to blab it to every single person I meet. But in my relationships where a mask can block a relationship from progressing. I choose to be vulnerable. No, I choose to recognize that I am vulnerable, and to stop the dance, and the delusion.

But the word Vulnerable brings many things to mind........... The thought that you are standing naked in front of all your friends and family.
That is what we feel like when we think of being vulnerable, Buck-ass naked. But we just need a re frame. To be vulnerable is to accept that fact that you your body, you your mind, you your ego are susceptible to injury. And call it like it is. We are not invincible. We are powerful, and we could be even more powerful if we would embrace all of our nature. And part of that nature is vulnerability. Yes there are more, but for now we are just talking about one. The lack of Vulnerability is the one thing that keeps a marriage from becoming all it could be. Vulnerability is what make an intimate relationship.

We do need to do work to be truly vulnerable. WE need to accept ourselves. We need to stop comparing each other. We need to practice talking and thinking nice things about ourselves. No really, we need to do these things. I mean why are we so hard on ourselves? Why? Do you have an answer? Because no one likes a bully or a nag. And we don't either. If you want to change your world. Start loving yourself. Your relationships change when you change how you feel about yourself.

Dear Divine Spirit, I come before you today and ask for my friends that you will help them to accept themselves. Help them to see, if not to see it right now, that they are not their bodies. They are housed in  a body, but that they are spirit first. Help them to love their body, so it can do better. I ask that you help us all to be vulnerable and real with each other. I ask it in Jesus Name Amen.....Thank you.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Passion: What the Hell is that? And how do I figure out what mine is?

What the Hell is my passion? You say, I don't have a clue. And you know the answer is closer than you think. It's like your feet. If they are not hurting you don't really even notice them. And your passion is so close to you that you just don't notice it. But, I believe God is calling us to get beyond our Ego's and really get in touch with why we are here. What are we here for? What is our Life Purpose?

Many of us, just take whatever comes our way, by default. Many of us feel that is all we can do. But I am here to tell you that that is not true. You are here on this earth, having this experience for a damn good reason. And your gifts and talents are needed to heal this world. And if you are doing any job other than why you are here, now is the time to start moving into your real purpose. Now this is not for those of you who know your purpose. But there is an army of us out there who are just not satisfied anymore with the status quo. We want more. And I believe that that is the Divine calling us onward. Not that what we were doing was wrong, but that that was to help you with what is to come. Now is the time for us to dig deep into our subconscious minds to hear from the heart. Now is the time to step out into the direction of our dreams. That to do that is the new normal!

Oh, God made me to do what I love to do? Oh, God didn't put me down here to work a job I really hate, that takes me away from my hearts desire. Oh, that sounds to easy! Yeah, God wants us to struggle. What is wrong with us?! Why do we think everythings got to be work! Painful, nauseating! I mean really. That is not the world God wants for us. The Divine wishes above all that we prosper and be in health. 3 John 1:2.

So how do we find this passion? Well, you need to take time to be quiet. Get into a daily routine to take time to be alone. I have a tree and a chair I go sit there and just spend time listening. I ask myself questions. I sort through all the data. My teacher told me I should do this, my Mother said that, my friends say this. What do I say? And look at each one and ask yourself, is this me? or is this them? And sort it out once and for all. Don't have time to do this? Then your not ready to really step into your life purpose, you want to mess around some more. You want to stay in fear, with the false sense of security, while your soul withers away. Seriously, no more soul sucking jobs!! Do what you love! What you are passionate about! What have you got to loose? A job you hate! and Stress.

It is time to shut the Ego down in the sense that the Ego works for the spirit, not the other way around. We got it backwards. Ego is trying to push the spirit around. Telling us that we can't make money doing that, that we can't let go of the security of this, making us feel trapped, and powerless to change. Does any of this sound familiar? I thought so. We could write for days many more of those Ego rants! But that is what I am writing about. Stopping, by recognizing a Ego rant. A fearful, Ego rant is not from God, nor is it true. You just think it's true, because you believe your thoughts are true. Ever think something about someone, later to find out that you where wrong? Ego is the one who gets bent out of shape if someone doesn't speak to you or see you. You know that petty stuff. Spirit looks past all that. Its time to put that school girl, ego driven, protect yourself, it's a war out there kind of mentality to rest. We need to be vulnerable. I mean it's not like we all don't see it anyway. Why do we go around like people don't see our vulnerablities. We read each other all the time. Come on. And then we play this game of oh, that's not what I saw and blah, blah, blah. Why do we do that? But if we understand that even with our walls, and by the way, those walls that you think are protecting you? They are see through, just in the way. In the way of what? In the way of you getting your needs met, and receiving the good the universe want to give you. But you wont receive it  because you think you have to struggle and strain. And settle for less than you want.

Why do you think you want more? And who put that feeling in you? It is a natural progression, as we grow and mature, we are called higher. We are called to move on. Now the alarm is being sounded to those who hear it, that you need to step into your Life purpose, that you, doing what you came here for is needed. And that all you have done up to this time has help to hone your gifts, and prepare you for your true job. Like Karate Kid.

Your passion is that go to. When there is nothing else to do, and you have time to burn, you do this one thing, or learn about this one thing or read about it..the list is endless. But this one thing you would do without pay, you are compelled to do it. That is where you start. Because that is where your passion is. It's like myself and spiritual, metaphysical, scriptural, law of attraction, consciousness stuff! I can't get enough. I am searching wisdom and knowledge 24/7.

Take the time to peel away everyone else's desires for you, and really figure out what you are passionate about and do that! Your joy, doing what you love will make the world a better place. And is why we all are here, to make the world a better place.

Lord, bless my friends who have come here for spiritual food and direction. Show them that this is a marker for where they need to go. That this is not a mistake. That you lead them here and to pay attention to the instructions. Open there hearts to take that leap of faith and believe in their dreams and believe in themselves. That believing in yourself is not arrogant. That to believe in yourself is to believe in the Divinity in yourself, and is to believe in God. I ask this in Jesus Name Amen!! Thank you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Let's get this wind into perspective. Everyone hates the North wind..we all agree. But lets face it, the wind get a bad rap. It blows in and carries away all the old baggage. Either physical or emotional. Emotional baggage is trickier to spot, most time everyone thinks it just the physical wind issue. But I feel that the wind has a story it is trying to tell. For us to let go of yesterday and blow it off, get over it, move on..We never forget, but we just don't stay stuck there. We realize that it is best to move on. And like life, we go back and revisit to give respect, but we don't camp there.

The wind also works to help replenish the earth, by carrying seeds to their destinations and keeping the place with new growth. And the wind is key in the venture. I also think that some of our discomfort is due to resistance to letting go, and trying to hang onto stuff you should and need to let go of.  I think we need a good Aura blast every now and again! And when that north wind is goin, out with the old and in with the new winds of change.

The wind is change. It represents, danger, the unknown, chance. It challenges faith. We all kind of cringe at change, come on now.. I do. But I have learned to face it head on, that is the only way, and let go of that past story, move on, do not go back or turn around. There is no going back, it is counter productive. So the wind comes along in it obnoxious way and just pushes us around and just like a mother Tiger, she picks us up and turns us around and dusts us off, and sets us right again.

The wind is cooling on a hot summer day, when the temp is about 105, and you are sweating bullets, thinking about your next drink of ice cold water, and how it will feel going down your throat!! AAAAwwhhh! That made me thirsty.. But it comes along with comforting wind on a hot day, to help make it a little more bearable. The wind does have a rough job, no one wants to be scrubbed on. But we all need it every now and then. So the next time you think, "Damn North Wind!", think again and say, "I don't really like it, but thank you, because I know I need it, and I'm willing to change." Life will take on a magic quality, when you let go of the Ba humbug attitude. You begin to see it the way God wanted you to. You stop looking at whats wrong and start noticing the things that are right. Like flowers bloom and do we ever think, wow, look at that, and when I look at those flowers I feel better. They make me happy. Or a bird singing it's song so happily and it makes you happy. Or having a young mother cut you off getting onto the freeway and you really see that she doing her best, and give her a break. You decide, I am not going to spend my energy being made at a woman, just doing the best she can. In fact I will spend some energy, sending her some energy to make it through.

Wind truly is our friend, but like our earthly friends, we do respect those who stand up to us, and don't back down. The wind is just that.

Divine Spirit- I ask for each and every one of these reading this. Even over time, this prayer will go through until Eternity. I ask for each person, to feel the shift that is coming. We all feel it, but have not really spoken about it. We all feel a change in the air. But better things are to come. And we can co-create that. Suffering is ending in the sense that we want a better way. We need a better way. We are being forced to look at our choices and choice anew. We must evolve and grow with it or we just get left behind. I see it and feel it from each person I meet. They want more, and not from a spoiled perspective, but from a working perspective. We are willing to do the work to change. We are all ready.
Thank you for all your support, we are willing to hear, and listen and receive the help we need. I pray they let go of fear based thoughts, and are willing to embrace new positive thoughts. Show us the way. In Jesus Name Amen

Exodus 14:21-22
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided. The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
- See more at:

James 3:4
Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires.
- See more at:

Just had to mention this!!

Look at this one from James!! Another reason to praise the wind. We can control it. So, we can control the changes in our lives, how? We control it by our thoughts and what we dwell on. So we can have a positive or negative affect on our own outcomes...Oh snap! Responsibilty... Yeah, we gotta own it. We are ruddering our own storm or breeze, you choose. And that is the thing we are learning, we have a choose, because God is in us. So, we carry creative power, we just need to first, realize it, then accept it as truth and then act on it. Act on the fact that we control our lives. The wind coming out of our mouthes, the storm we start, or put out. Food for thought my friends. 
Ok, till next time lovelies....

I pray for blessing. I pray you will receive a blessing tomorrow in some form..Amen

Bad Luck reversal. Science has shown some hope

I tell you anyone that knows me, knows that at times when a statement needs to be sent back, like I never win, or I'm to fat, will provoke a good rebuke on my part. LOL "I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!" and a hand swipe in the air will follow such a rash case of verbal diarrhea. And this is a good thing. All who know me, know I am not rebuking them, but the words that came out of their mouthes.

I can not let that go, and take it very seriously. If you talk to my children, you will probably hear it fly out of their mouthes too, for I taught it to them. Early on in my walk of faith, God took me to the scriptures and showed me these truths. Well, I just took God at his word and decided to take charge of what I allow to be spoken over me, or at me, in the sense of statements. For instance, I cough, and someone says, Oh! Are you coughing a cold? Awwwwhhh! "I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!" I might wave my arms around or act like Im catching something in the air...It truly is funny to watch. But I don't care. If you read my post , Welcome to my Blog, you would read about Genesis. Anyway, God spoke everything into existence, everything! And then it says we are made in his image and likeness!!! And bingo, we have that same power! Good and Bad. 

Proverbs 12:18 esv

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

James 1:26 ESV 

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Psalm 52:2 ESV 

Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit.

Proverbs 17:9 ESV 

Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.

Proverbs 10:18 ESV 

The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

Ouch! That last one was straight up! And Psalm 52:2? Holy Moly! Is that to say we are damned? No we are not damned. But what it's trying to show us is the way. The way to the happy life we really want. That the path is not by back stabbing, being unsupportive, saying mean things about another. And about saying things like are you getting sick? Just that phrase is enough to get a rebuke in the name of Jesus from me. You know how it feels when someone says a lie about you, telling you you always do something? And you rare up and want to clobber them. Instead, rebuke it. You don't have to take that and you don't have to give that. 

New International Version
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

If we all sow deceit into this world, relationship, life, then deceit is what we get. To reverse that, shop putting it out there, and choose better this time, by saying something good, true, kind, loving, forgiving. Now, I can hear you out there saying. Ugh! I can't have any fun, no gossiping, no passing on tails about people, and I can't complain about Nancy to my coworker? HMPH! But, you could look at it this way. By not putting that out into the universe, I don't receive it back, so I am protecting myself. Oh, you mean if I say those nasty things, or those fearful things, I will get the same back. I ask you again to pay attention to what you say and your life. If there are things in your life that you don't want, check your mouth out, and check your mind out. Most likely your mind is not going in a great direction either. And if we have the same power as God to create things with our mouths and words. Where do words form?, in your mind. So get your mind right and you get your words right and your get your life right! Makes sense doesn't it.

I'm not saying that you need to rebuke what people say out loud, although it is fun to see the look on there face. And I get a chance to enjoy explaining to them why I did/said that. I like to educate people. If our words shape our world, our thought shape our world, and affect others.  I encourage you to take inventory of what you let fly out of your mouth. Check out this site page talking about the research about this kind of thing. It's worth a look to make your experience down here more productive and yielding what you want in your life.

When my daughter was 16, you know what I mean. That time when you realize you can't keep hanging on. Fear is gripping you, your so unsure of the new world they are heading into. The world where they make the decisions, they call the shots. And you wonder, did I do enough? And sometimes you nag........You remind them of things you've already beaten into there heads. And they rebel, because you don't trust that they got it. I mean really, we act like it's our life. Or maybe, like me you see that it is time to begin to let go. Because if you keep hanging on, it will get ugly, it's already started.
This is the time when God spoke to me. It was when I had separated from my second husband and had thrown the rule book out on parenting and all of the above and said to myself, there has got to be a better way. I usually opened the refrigerator when one of these moments of letting go came up and spoke, as though God was in the refrigerator! And that is when he would speak to me. He said, " Child, do you not remember your life, your parents didn't do like you did. You've given these kids all you have and then some. And now you must trust this. You must trust that it is in there. And remember, your parents didn't have a relationship with me like you do. And still I reached out to you just the same. So don't forget that if I could get ahold of you, I can do the same for them. No more Roundup, only water and food. Praise what is in there." I spoke to my daughter about her friends and told her that I trusted that she would do the right thing and make the right decision for herself. And you know what, she did. 

Lord, help my friend here to take account of there thoughts and words. Help them to take responsibility for what they are verbally contributing to our world , their families, friends, coworkers. I ask that these words pierce like a two edged sword, that  cuts away the disease. The disease of thinking that our words don't really count. That we are not kidding. I ask you to help them see their spirits, and that I can help them to listen and love themselves and everyone else. Thank you for each one of them. I ask that as they do this change, you will pour them out a blessing they can not contain. As they give loving words, forgiving words, may they bask in the rewards of doing so. In Jesus Name Amen...and I thank you and praise your for the answer, Amen

Philippians 4:6

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all [a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.,7&version=NASB

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to not worry about my spelling. I neither need to spell perfect or grammatically. It is my intention to spell as well as possible, but in our human state, these things happen. I am secure that you will figure out what I was trying to say..Thank you! xxoo

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Go within

Saw this today on Facebook. I kept hearing a scripture or part of a scripture and I wasn't sure where it was. But Luke 17: 21 says, Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.  Some versions say in the midst. Which means the same thing. Center, heart. It really isn't out there!! So stop looking for the kingdom of God in this world. In the sense that we are not of this world. We will find it as we let go of Ego's rants. Go within. And shed your fleshly approach. This flesh along with the Ego are doomed to this world. Doomed in the sense that it will not be traveling with our spirit when we pass on.  But our spirit, which is one with our creator always, lives forever. I can see that God is leading me within. That what I desire in life is within me. You know I used to tell my children and friends, you have everything you need, just look within. But  I still looked without. Without for my validation, without for my approval, without for my worth.

Now, if we are spirit having a physical experience and I think we all agree on that one. Then why do we look outside ourselves for direction? I mean we are travelers. What traveler goes on a trip and does not pack. And if our Divine Creator sent us here to learn, then he/she has sent us here with what we need to do so. We are equip to do this job of navigating on earth, which is not our home. We navigate with our spirit. We  But, to learn what? We are here to learn to differentiate Ego and Spirit. That is one thing we are here to do. We are Spirit. Like I have said before, about the book of Genesis. We are made in our Creators image and likeness. And so we have traveled here, but to really hear what we need to hear we must GO WITHIN. I mean really if the kingdom of God is within as the scripture says, then the answers are within. So why do we continually look outside ourselves for approval, direction, validation, and love? What are we doing?
It is that we forget who we really are. We are under the influence of the illusion that has been passed onto us from our teachers, parents, grandparents, etc.... You see what I mean. What illusions is that? That this is our home. It is not our home. It is our classroom. 

The point of what I am trying to say is, that we need to shift our attention. We need to look to our source, that is within us all. No one has more than the other. Just like no one has more muscle than another, it's just what they do with it. We can all learn to go within. We can learn to get quiet, and really listen. We can learn the voice of the Ego, devil. We can learn the voice of our creator within. Now I can hear you saying, what is she talking about? I can hear the Ego's rants. That woman is stupid, she doesn't know what she's talking about. I mean to believe in a devil shows that we are still looking outside ourselves for the answer. Our Ego is an onboard system, that is part of this world, and will pass away with our physical body. So why are we allowing ourselves to be completely directed by a part of ourselves that is limited in it's perception, and understanding?

Lord, I ask that you help my friends here to start to pay attention to the mind chatter inside there head. I ask that you help them to stop listening to the voice that says they are ugly, we are spirit, so to call our physical body ugly is a waste of our time here. And to identify with our body is to think that our body is who we are. I ask that we instead learn to nurture our bodies, for they house our spirit. Help them to open their eyes and see the truth of this and start to live by returning to our Creator. To return to our Creator is to look within, and take the time to listen to the voice of spirit. Help each person here find what they look for. Help them to tune into what their creator has to say and look within. In Jesus Name Amen. 

Now, spend some time going within...Just be willing to connect with your own spirit.