Ok, girls and boys, it's time to let some stuff go. And the Full Moon has arrived to help you energetically let go of any and all that burdens you. Now, am I advocating to worship the moon, heavens no!! I mean really, but there is a way to harness the energy from the moon that was created by God for what? For us to have a ritual of letting our burdens, fears, wounds, ego based thinking, our judgements, our condemnation of ourselves as well as others,anything that we recognize as no longer serving us, if it ever did. We realize these things that we carry are getting in between ourselves and the Divine, God, Jesus, whoever. The point is not what denomination or religious sect that a person is, it's about reaching out to God, giving our burdens to the Divine at a time when the moon is full and shining bright. We give our issues to God by writing it down and burning it. What spirit has shown me is that ritual helps the spirit to lead the Ego (freshman), by doing the ritual it is recorded to memory, which the Ego remembers and each time it tries to pull you back to that particular issue, you remind it of your ritual and what you did, letting it go. It is a place to return that shows you the way is ahead, not behind.
Why is this important? Because as we begin to pay attention to how we feel, we get in-touch with our soul, and hear it as it shows us where we have been believing a lie. It shows us the truth. As we ask the Divine to help us see our wounds, so we can turn them one by one over . We will begin to live our lives by being deliberate. By truly owning our emotions. By truly looking with in and asking the questions. We ask ourselves why does that hurt? Why does what that person says cause me to feel this way? Because the time is now, and the Divine wishes to heal us. We are all beginning to shed the need to hurt, and struggle.
What I am suggesting is that we need to have regular examination of the Ego (freshman) and regular letting go and clearing of our burdens. Burden is anything that is weighing you down and giving you discomfort. Discomfort is our emotional navigational system showing us where we are believing something other than the true about ourselves. Like, I am not worthy, I don't matter, I am to fat, I am ugly, No one loves me, I am unlovable, I am dumb, I am stupid, Everyone hates me, they don't like me, I am wrong, there is something wrong with me. I think I have kind of driven that one home. But sometimes we need to drive it home, to remember it. If you get annoyed with a commercial, you remember it. And that hurt that keeps coming around, with different faces is just the Divines way of touching your hurt. Why? Because God loves us enough to keep rubbing, touching, jabbing, poking, kicking, pushing, picking, you get my drift, until we finally get that he just wants us to give it to him. That we don't need to carry it, hold it, understand it, throw it, cuddle it, work for it, struggle with it. The Divine who says that grace is where our salvation is, not works. It is a gift, lest any man should boast. We are completely dependent on our Creator for release from these lies, and the Divine is waiting with open arms to take it, (the lie) Remember those up there? Don't make me say them again. Just give them up to heaven. That's that. End of subject. Just do it.
So, this is it. This is what I want you to do. I want you to take the time tonite, yes right now. You have read this far, so you know you are here for this reason. You might as well give it a try. Sit down and really think about an issue that has been coming up lately in different scenarios. Like the person that keeps leaving you. Or the fact that you are being left, again and again. What is the Divine trying to get through? If law of attraction is real, and we know it is. Like attracts like. So if we are the magnet to which we attract to ourselves. Then we must rid ourselves of the hidden beliefs we carry. Why are they hidden? Well, they are just so familiar to us, not that they are comfortable by any means. But they are just very much a part of our thinking. We don't like it, but we just think that is how it is. IT IS NOT ALL THERE IS!! God does not want you to carry that any further. Do you hear me? NO FURTHER.
Tonite, under this glorious moon, that is a symbol of:
The full Moon shares the symbolism of the circle as an image of wholeness and strength. The Chinese associate it with the essence of Yin and the feminine; to Buddhists it represents spiritual power. The Harvest Moon (a full Moon near the September equinox) symbolizes agricultural fertility. The word "lunatic" comes from the Latin for moon, luna, and originally meant "Moonstruck". The full Moon was thought to worsen lunacy and is associated with wild behavior in animals and humans.
Let's harness the power of the moon and allow it to lead us to sanity, to our spirit and to our Creator. Let it's ever seeing eye, penetrate our Ego's facade and point us to our wounds that we may stand in it gleaming rays and soak up the Creators love as he also meets us under this very moon and heals us of our wounds from so long ago. Those wounds that we have carried like an old blanket, that have been stinking up our todays. Let us let go of the old routine, the old way of looking at it and make this moon a marker for the end of that wound coming back to bite us in the ass. Why does a wound bite us in the ass? Because we try to suppress it. and it is behind us. If it was before us it would slap us in the face. If it is in our present, we experience the day. The only way the day can get messed up is when we bring the past into it or the future. That's why head lights only reach so far, we only need to see as so far ahead. If we look to far ahead, we don't see the road. If we look in the rear view mirror, we don't see the road.
Let go of the past and the future, and trust that the Divine has got your back. Just let go and do a ceremony to remember and DON'T LOOK BACK!!!! And when the Ego tries to get you to think about a past hurt or future possible catastrophe, you lovingly remind it, that you let it go and you can't go back....
Heavenly Father-
I pray for my friends here. I ask that you illuminate their minds to see what has been said here. I ask that these words sink deep into there spirits, that it may be food to there souls, and help to see their Egos behavior, so they can know spirit and ego. I pray that these seeds would go forth and do what you intend for them, which is to bring these things to light. So we may continue to grow and learn of your endless love...So, that we can know the truth, and it will set us free. That we can shed our critical spirit, which is not of you. I ask for your love to go out to each one who reads this. I thank you for showing me this, and giving me the strength to follow your lead and share it with others. I ask this in Jesus name Amen...Thank you Lord for the answer.
James 3:17
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
When God is trying to talk, this is how it will feel. If you are feeling anything different, it is your onboard navigational system telling you you are believing something that is not true...And your Ego is at the bottom of that. Sounds weird, Ego blah blah blah. But, we could call it our devil. What spirit has shown me is that our Ego is connected to our fleshman. And since Satan is the God of this world, which is the supreme Egoman. That is why the Ego is connected to our flesh, because the flesh is of this world, our spirit is not. That is why we must shed these lies we believe, so that we can regain connection with the Divine. Namaste....
Disclaimer: I have a tendency to not worry about my spelling. I neither need to spell perfect or grammatically. It is my intention to spell as well as possible, but in our human state, these things happen. I am secure that you will figure out what I was trying to say..Thank you! xxoo