Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 day "Change Your Life" with Affirmations challenge

30 day "Change Your Life" with Affirmations challenge

I want to issue a challenge. I was compiling a list of Affirmations for myself to read every morning to myself in the mirror, so that I could reset myself to the truth. And it came to me that I should put this on my blog and issue a challenge we can do for 30 days and report our findings. So if you are here, I would tell you that you were lead here. And we all can use a good challenge now and then to blow the dust off and see ourselves more clearly. We grow up and we don't realize that we carry a lot of the beliefs of our families with us. We carry our belief in ourselves and our worth from our observance of others responses to us. We are now being shown and it is coming to our consciousness that we must reroute that pattern. We are all one, we are connected, and so each of us should look to our inner self to produce real change in our lives. As we change our inner world, what I mean is change our self perception, we change our outer world. So with all that said, Let's get to it. Below you will find a list of Affirmations to read each day to yourself in the mirror. That's right, you've got to face yourself, and give yourself the medicine you desperately need. And we all will do this for 30 days, and beyond. I encourage you to report any changes that you see in yourself or others around you. 

I want to tell you first that you are very courageous, and I know you can do this. I know you want to do this, because you are reading this. So listen to yourself, because you attracted this to you,  to help. 

Heavenly Divine Source- I ask that you help my friends to do this challenge with me and change ourselves in new ways that we have not seen yet. I thank you for the idea to do so, I ask for your presence to be very close to each one of us as we forge to change. As we forge to wake up from this lie we have believed about ourselves. Thank you. In Jesus Name Amen

These Affirmations are taken from Louise Hays book, "You Can Heal Your Life". It can be found at Thank you Louise for your helpful words of affirmation and healing. You are a true Angel on this earth and I honor you here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Light a Candle, and change how you see your world

I was talking to a dear friend yesterday and as I encouraged her, a download came from above and I thought I would share it. We all struggle with making sense out of everything. And we all have things in our lives that try us in the sense that they cause us to begin to have to stretch our thinking. We all have issues in our lives that we are trying to find solutions too. We all have bills, kids, some have husbands, and the list goes on. Well, there comes a time in all our lives that we just need more information. We have tried all of our old tricks. But we are facing things right now that we just don't have answers for.

We all come to a place were the rubber meets the road. We just don't have all the solutions, and we need help. But, sometimes we can't see that because we are so used to our own beliefs that we have not allowed room for new information. How would we feel if the office of defense didn't ask for help? And to get ourselves into a receptive state, can be challenging. We think we need to know it all. But that's just silly. If that were true we wouldn't need plumbers, bankers, mothers, teachers, we would just do it all. And sometimes when things are really looking like there is not answer, it is at that time when we need to alter our thought processes, and open up to some divine information.

So my, suggestion to you. And I am following my own info. Each day start a ritual. Find a place in your space were you place a white candle. Put it in a place that is spiritually special. You could make an alter if you like. And without fail, light it. And say as you do. "By lighting this candle I am saying that I am ready and open for all the information that I need in my life. I am open to new ideas and ways to do things. I am open to the Divine, and desire connection to my creator. Thank you.  Now, if you work, you can do it in the morning and blow it out and then relight it when you get home. It still works, because you have made the intention.

Now Two things will happen. One you have opened a door. As you begin to do this, you have placed yourself in a new and better position to receive divinely guided information.  Two, you also begin to connect and learn that connectedness is so very essential to living our divine purpose. Watch out. This is powerful. Things will open up. It's like an antenna, you are raising an antenna to your source, and saying, "I am open to allowing new ideas and information into my consciousness." God does not take that lightly, in fact our Source is waiting for you to give a sign that you are ready, because the information has always been there. We just didn't tune in. Good luck!

Dear Divine, I pray for my friends here. I lift them up. I ask that you will give them the strength and crazies to test you. I ask that they will just try something new. I ask for each of them to hear your voice and know that they are not alone. Give them the answers they are looking for. Thank you. In Jesus Name Amen……Namaste.

A greeting/saying in hindi which translates to: I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor the place in you where the ENTIRE universe resides, I honor the place in you of light, of love, of truth, of peace, I honor the place in you where if you and I are in that place then there is only one of us?

(Yeah, that one word means a whole lot, but it's a great saying none the less)
Namaste my friend. Namaste

I would also like to recommend a book for those of you who are looking to get past yourself and understand the dynamics of who we are. Read this book:

 Not sure you can click and look inside. But click on the link below and go to the book on Amazon…!